Employment Law
The DTI Lawyers team of specialist employment Lawyers understand the critical need for businesses to manage staff successfully. Equally, as an employee, we acknowledge your right to be treated fairly in your employment relationship.
Our team of specialist employment lawyers take a proactive, constructive approach to resolving your employment law problems, to minimise the inherent stress involved. We have extensive experience in mediation and dispute resolution. We understand the practical issues that arise in employment relationships and can assist you to improve workplace agreements, policies and processes to minimise the risks of disputes arising, and to help resolve issues effectively.
Our employment lawyers can help you with:
- Preparation and review of employment documentation including employment agreements, contracts and workplace policies
- Disciplinary processes and dismissals
- Performance management
- Restructuring and redundancy
- Bullying allegations and investigations
- Good faith issues
- Health and safety
- The enforcement of restraints of trade
- Confidentiality and intellectual property
- Privacy issues
- Human rights issues, including discrimination
- Pay equity and equal pay claims, including sector wide claims
- Parental leave
- IT and social media issues
- Contract interpretation
- Holidays Act obligations and entitlements
- Compliance
- Employment implications of selling/purchasing a business
- Personal grievances and legal disputes
- Resolving workplace disputes
- Advice and representation for education providers and/or teachers/educators
- Disciplinary proceedings brought by Professional bodies, such as the Teachers Council, Medical Council, Pharmacy Council
- Advocacy and dispute resolution including at mediation, the Employment Relations Authority, Employment Court, Human Rights Commission, Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Human Rights Review Tribunal, and civil courts
- Collective bargaining, including bargaining for multi employer collective agreements
- In-house secondments to human resources teams, where our clients have resource shortages
We are also regularly engaged to undertake complex and sensitive employment investigations, and to provide independent reports into allegations of serious misconduct, such as sexual harassment and bullying.